
Robots 101 - Events

There are three types of event which are held through the competition year:

All events are listed in the events calendar on our website. The event page for each one contain details of when & where they are, along with anything specific you’ll need for the day. Generally you will be provided with power and internet access, as well as a space to work on your robot, though each event is different so be sure to check the event pages.

All teams attending an event must be accompanied by a responsible adult. This person will typically be the primary Team Supervisor, however does not need to be. In cases where this role is delegated, we require that:

  • the person is someone the primary contact is aware of and happy to act as Team Supervisor in their stead at the event:
    • over the age of 18
    • not a competitor
    • able to take responsibility for all their competitors at the event, as well as any equipment brought by the team
  • the primary contact inform us who the person is ahead of the event and provide a mobile phone number which we can use to contact them if needed

For events which have dedicated sign-up forms (usually this is just Tech Days), we usually include a way to indicate who will be responsible for the competitors. Otherwise, or if your plans change, please email us.